Australia - Brown years: 1923-1939.
1938 Christmas and New Year Greetings: AB-GX-38.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number T.G. 42C for all three versions.
Delivery envelopes are T.G. 42D (window) and
T.G. 42E (opaque).
Message area: Blank.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Blue, black, red and green on cream.
Size of form overall: See below.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:


This design for Christmas and New Year Greetings was issued in December 1938. The sizes of both the form and the envelope were reduced in 1941 and then ornamental telegram forms were discontinued during 1942 as part of the war-time economy measures.

Essay Unknown form for the 1938 Christmas and New Year issue - possibly an essay.


  • roll format - but not the same form as AB-DX-38B;
  • has the same form number TG 42C as do the sheet forms;
  • has a line of text at the base which neither of the other forms had;
  • the frame is continuous and there are no random white patches in background;
  • the spelling is "XMAS" in contrast to all of the other forms and envelopes which have "CHRISTMAS"
  • size in 144 (from TIME to TIME!!) × 215 mm.



Melbourne to
CTO Melbourne
(24 December 1938).


  • sheet format;
  • has form number TG 42C
  • has line of text under the heading;
  • the frame has breaks due to deliberate white patches in background;
  • size 152 × 203 mm.


Form from a roll used at CTO Brisbane 4 January 1941.


  • roll format;
  • form number is T.G. 42D;
  • band for the heading is 47 mm wide;
  • has a line of text under the heading;
  • the frame has breaks due to deliberate white patches in background;
  • size 138 × 210 mm.
GXF-38Ca AB-GXF-38Ca.

Rialto to South Yarra
(24 December 1941).


  • printed in 1941 in a smaller size as a war-time economy measure;
  • form number TG 42C;
  • band for the heading is 23 mm wide;
  • outer frame has some deliberate white patches;
  • size 111 × 196 mm.
Curtain AB-GXF-38Cb.

Parliament House, Canberra to Perth.
23 December 1941.


  • printed in 1941 in a smaller size as a war-time economy measure;
  • from number changed to
    TG 42D. With this number, it is possible this form might have been printed for issue in roll form.

Telegram from John Curtin to his wife Elsie.

See the John Curtin entry and a copy of a 1940 telegram to his wife.

GXE-38A AB-GXE-38Aa.

Unused opaque delivery envelope.


  • larger size: 89 × 145 mm;
  • has form number T.G. 65E in top right corner with "65" in small subscript letters;
  • flap has a rounded peak and slightly curved sides.


AB-GXE-39Ab AB-GXE-38Ab.

Unused opaque delivery envelope.


  • smaller size: 79 × 136 mm;
  • printed on cream paper;
  • letters in form number (including 65) are all the same size but slightly elongated;
  • flap has a rounded peak and heavily curved sides.
GXE-38B AB-GXE-38Ba.

Specimen unused window delivery envelope.

  • larger size: 90 × 145 mm;
  • same design in heading as for the form;
  • form number TG 65D in top right corner with "65" in small subscript letters;
  • window has no border;


A different printing corrected the small "65". It was also printed on white paper.



Used window delivery envelope.


  • same design in heading as for the form;
  • larger size: 88 ×144 mm;
  • window size is 31 × 120 mm;
  • form number TG 65D in top right corner with "65" in small subscript letters;
  • window has a thick dark blue border 31 mm wide;
  • flap has a narrow curved peak with sides slightly curved.

Used window delivery envelope.


  • same design in heading as for the form;
  • smaller size: 80 × 135 mm;
  • window size is 34 × 124 mm (extends to same size as heading);
  • form number TG 65D in top right corner;
  • window has a thick light blue border 34 mm wide;
  • flap has a narrow curved peak with sides slightly curved.

A brochure was also printed to advertise the availability
of the 1938 Christmas Greetings forms.

This brochure was inserted into delivery envelopes and also
distributed from Post Offices.

Front cover.

Rear cover.

Inside opened and rotated clockwise.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
GXF-38A None. 24 December 1938 at CTO Melbourne.

NC for unused forms and envelopes.

RR if an
identifiable linked used pair.

GXF-38B None. 20 December 1940 at CTO Melbourne.
GXF-38C None. 23 December 1941 at C.T.O. Perth (the Curtain wishes).
GXE-38A None.  
GXE-38Ba None  
GXE-38Bb None  
GXE-38C None 5 January 1932 at Gawler, SA. RR
GCE-38D None   RRR